DAN BLANA CHRISTMAS CD #1 from Master's Touch Music

List Price: $22.00
Your Price: $20.00 ea (SHIPPING added automatically*)

DAN BLANA CHRISTMAS CD #1- PayPal (for all credit cards, echecks, bank_transfers, email_your_money)
===== SPECIAL OFFERS =====
To get FREE CDs and get additional savings select ONE of these....

..Buy 2 DB CHRISTMAS CDs for a discount. (Total 2 - $19 per CD and save $2) +(18.00).
..Buy 3 DB CHRISTMAS CDs for a discount. (Total 3 - $18 per CD and save $6) +(34.00).
..Buy 4 DB CHRISTMAS CDs for a discount. (Total 4 - $17 per CD and save $3/CD) +(48.00).
..Buy 5 DB CHRISTMAS CDs for a discount. (Total 5 - $17 per CD and save $3/CD) +(65.00).
..Buy 6 DB CHRISTMAS CDs for a discount. (Total 6 - $17 per CD and save $3/CD) +(82.00).
..Buy 7 DB CHRISTMAS CDs for a discount. (Total 7 - $17 per CD and save $3/CD) +(99.00).
If you want more than 7 at the $12 price, you can combine the above by selecting a choice of 4 or above and adding it to the cart with the 'add to card' button. For example, if you want 8, choose 4 then 4 again; if you want 9, choose 4 and then 5, etc.
Thanks, but Just the single DAN BLANA CHRISTMAS-CD, please.

  Item Total >  including shipping

NOTE: We also accept: Please email us for details on other payment methods available.



Shipping Weight: 5.5 ounces
*Shipping referred to is in the U.S. only - International orders email for additional postage required.

Master's Touch Music

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