Introducing TORAH/TANAK Bible Reading Plans / Hebraic Bibles and Audio Portions.

for e-Sword (In .har and .bpr formats):


I have been working on a project, off and on within the last year or three (that was initially for the MOST HIGH and myself), that I thought maybe the folks attending our congregation at STBM and others in the general public might deem useful to them.  Our Rabbi emphasizes that we should try to read the Torah portions, Haftarah and not to read them without the Renewed Covenant (NT).   He also recommends that we read a Proverb a day.  I have developed (and ready for beta testing) for e-Sword, a reading plan that is broken down by each day mixing the Torah portions, Haftarah and NT according to our congregational calendar.  I have another (adapted from for Proverbs, Prophets & remainder of the Tanak not covered in the first reading plan.  These 2 plans make it real easy to find all the scriptures in 1 place instead of hunting them down in different books or sections and you can use your favorite Bible version in e-Sword.......

  1. 20yy-20zz TORAH PORTIONS Bible Reading Plan (in Gospel Harmony format [.har])



·         Weekly Shabbat Torah Portions – divided in the 7 daily readings per week.

·         Weekly Shabbat Haftarah Portions – divided in the 7 daily readings per week.

·         Brit Chadasha (Renewed Covenant, New Testament) – in the 7 daily readings.

·         All above intermingled so that New Testament passages are not always bunched up at the end (as recommended by our Rabbi).

·         FEAST DAYS from our congregational calendar for that year also included INLINE and appear on actual days of the feasts. 

·         (Non feast day readings are laid out to be read in the preceding week to the Shabbat) [last part of portion would be read on Shabbat].

·         Scripture verse numbers that differ in the Jewish Bible (Chumash) to other versions are noted.

·         Easy to find all scriptures for the portion in one place instead of hunting them down in different sources.


·         And much more:


2.       Prophets and Writings from the Tanak Daily Bible Reading Plan (in .bpr format)



·       A Chapter from Proverbs a day

·       The remainder of the books of the Bible (Tanak or Old Testament) not fully read in the Shabbat portions can be read in a year.  Just a few chapters per day.

·       This one can be re-used every year, including leap year Feb 29th.  (.bpr plan skips leap year Feb 29th and you can check off the ones you read daily).

·       Pick your Bible version that you want.

·       .bpr (Bible Reading Plan) version – allows only full chapters per day – no descriptions, just the number of the day from 1 thru 365. Can be set to come up automatically each day – You can check off the one you just read. (Also available in .har format but not recommended in conjunction with Torah Portions.)





I have worked versions of the HNV by myself and Yahweh to restore HIS NAMES and more consistently conform to the Hebraic mindset.

They are in esword bible module format. And they are now available.

They are PUBLIC DOMAIN and thusly free. Based on the (Messianic ) Hebrew Names Version of the World English Bible.

They differ from the standard HNV released on esword by more consistent (throughout OT and NT) NAMES for the ALMIGHTY.
Also, as I said, some other words are restored to the Hebraic mindset _WITHOUT CHANGING THE ORIGIANL MEANING_.

HNV-ye - "ye" means restored YAHWEH/YESHUA ELOHIM consistently throughout
OT and NT and also ADONAI, Torah, assembly, immers*, etc., are
restored. (some of these changes already exist in the original HNV)
Because it is from the ASV, verses are re-arranged to line up with
the NKJ.

HNV-yet - the "t" added means paragraph heading-titles are added,
adapted from the NKJV. If you don't like the titles, use the HNV-ye.

I also have the Torah Portions split up daily throughout the year in the Gospel Harmony (.har) format for esword.
(Based on the calender used at Rabbi Messer's STBM where we attend - basic Hallel2 but with variations, omer readings & Shavuot,
and entire NT split up to cover the entire year).

Also, as far as audio versions, I am putting the entire portions together (so you don't need to hunt the parts down individually) in
mp3 audio files optionally with Hebrew Letter Music and Hebrew Voice in the background. This way "the word" can be absorbed at many levels.
(Daily Prophets/Writings esword and audio files also separately).

See samples at links below.


Download & Installation procedure:



  1. EXIT E-SWORD if it is running.
  2. After reading all the steps below, use link below to download. Then Right Click, then "Save to target" on each to download.
  3. Download to a safe storage folder and then copy to your e-Sword folder where e-Sword documentation says they should be, which may have changed in newer releases. 
    (Usually:  “C:\Program Files\e-Sword\)
  4. Start up e-Sword.
  5. From the main screen, you will find the Torah Portions (.har) by clicking on the main menu, “Bible”, then “Gospel Harmony”.  Then click on the top tab that shows the name of the STBM Torah Readings.  You can chose the version of the Bible you want in a little window on top of the page (try all the buttons there).
  6. .BRP PROPHETS AND WRITINGS VERSION: From the main screen you will find the Prophets & Writings Daily Readings Bible Reading Plan (.bpr) by clicking on “Tools”, then “Bible Reading Plan”.  Choose “Daily Writings and Prophets…” on the bottom little window of the page.  At the top of the page it shows the number of the day of the year.  You can check off the ones you read too.

Link to download:

CLICK HERE à and then Right Click, then "Save to target" on each to download.

For Audio Version Samples CLICK HERE à and then Right Click, then "Save to target" on each to download.

DESCRIPTION OF FILES TO DOWNLOAD for esword (file-extensions with an x on end like .harx are for eSword v9x and above, no x for pre-v9x):

1. TorahReadingsDAILY20yy-20zz.har(x) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(1)- Torah Portions, Haftarah, Brit Chadasha, Feast Days (for full year,if-done).
2. DailyWritingsProphets.brp(x)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(2)- (.brp vers) Daily Writings and Prophets reading plan throughout yr.
3. TorahReadingsDAILY20yy-20zzharSCRIPTURE-LIST.pdf -(3)- LIST of Scriptures in #1 (PDF).
4. DailyWritingsProphetsbrpSCRIPTURE-LIST.pdf - - - - - - - -(4)- LISTof Scriptures in #2 (PDF).
5. DailyWritingsProphets-BRP_DAY-LIST.pdf - - - - - - - - - - - -(5)- Days numbered 1 - 365 and corresponding readings for #3 (PDF).
6. SAMPLE Torah Readings 30 Aug HNV.pdf - - - - - - - -(6)- Sample Torah Portion page (PDF).
7. Introducing TORAH-TANAK Bible Reading Plans1.htm - - - -(7)- The file you are reading now (HTM format).
8. HNV-*.bbl(x) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(8)- Hebraic mindset YAHWEH, YESHUA, ELOHIM esword bible modules.

TO ACCESS IN ZIP PACKS CLICK HERE à and then Right Click, then "Save to target" on each to download.


Approval granted from eSword author to use the eSword .har/.brp formats.

Approval for some details used in Torah Portions applied for from STBM (Simchat Torah Beit Midrash)


Updated 10-08-10 by Dan Blana